We have been learning the story of the Snail and the Whale! As a class we came up with actions to help us remember the whole story.

It has been quite tricky remembering the order of the story but the actions helped us along! We then made our own story maps where we drew the different parts of the story. We used these maps to then act the it out in partners. Miss Duncan was so impressed with how well we all remembered the story!

Our action for ‘finally!’

Our action for ‘hideous sharks!’

Our action for ‘save the Whale!’

Our action for ‘first!’

Our action for ‘after that’

Our action for ‘Snail’!

Our action for ‘next!’

Our action for ‘suddenly!’



5 comments on “The Snail and the Whale!

  1. It looks awesome , I love that book.

  2. Anna McGrory says:

    I love all these actions! What a great way to help you remember the story! Miss McGrory

  3. I remember when I was in year 2 and I read that book!

  4. Bonnie-grace says:

    I REMEMBER this

  5. I loved doing the actions even though my hands got tired!

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