This week is the week of The Rosary. This morning the Eagles lead the whole school mass to celebrate The Feast of the Rosary. This is a very special time for our school and our church, St Dominic’s Priory. We are very proud to have a school named after such a special prayer to Jesus’ mother Mary. Our church is also named after Our Lady of the Rosary. When the Priory was built nearly 150 years ago, the design was based on the mysteries of the Rosary. The church has a special stained glass window crowning Our Lady as Queen of Heaven.
We were very lucky to have Louis L from Year 6 to play ‘Ave Maria’ on the violin as well as Feriel from Year 3 to play ‘Andante’ on the piano.
Thank you so much for leading this mass so beautifully with wonderful reading and singing, Eagles! Well done to our wonderfully skilled musicians too!
Good singing year 5\6 well done
Thank you