Happy Wednesday Flamingos!
Today you will be sharpening up your Maths skills with a selection of fun games.
You already have a copy of Guzinta and 99 in your packs. You can either challenge your family to one of these games or try out a new one below:
Count Down!
What you need to play:
4 ‘large number’ cards with the numbers 25, 50, 75 and 100 on them.
A set of cards with the digits 1-10 on them, with at least two cards for each number.
How to play:
Step 1: Set out 4 large number cards (25, 50, 75 and 100) face down and mixed up.
Step 2: Do the same with the 1 – 10 cards, making sure you have at least 2 cards for each number.
Step 3: Players take it in turns to select one of the big number cards or one of the small number cards, until there are 6 cards laid out altogether.
Step 4: The youngest player makes a 3-digit number. This can be by throwing a dice, or selecting cards from a pile of 0 to 9 cards.
Step 5: Turn over the six cards and players have to try and get to that total using any of the six number cards and any of the four operations.
Each card can only be used once and the winner is the first person to reach the total, or the player who is closest after a set length of time.
Tip: If you’re finding it too tricky, make a 2-digit number in step 4 rather than a 3-digit number.