Dear Parents/Carers,

The Mental Health Support Teams are running their next parent Webinar series.


Parent/Carer Self-Care
Understanding and supporting your child’s worries
Parent/Carer and child interactions

Each workshop will last up to 60 minutes and have an optional follow up 20 minutes for further questions for those parents or carers that are interested.

Parents/carers can register for any of the above webinars through Eventbrite (for free) at .

Parents/carers can opt in for all four topics of workshops, or whichever most appeals to them.

The webinar series will run from Tuesday 2nd March 2021 until Tuesday 23rd March 2021.

Advert for Parents or Carers re MHST Webinar Series March 2021

If you have any questions or suggestions please don’t hesitate to contact us (


Here are some wonderful story’s for wellbeing.


A book of feelings -youtube  eyfs and ks1

Now – A story about mindfulness  EYFS and ks1

Ruby finds a worry story – EYFS and ks1

Lucy’s blue day story – whole school

Lucy’s in Lockdown- whole school

Amazon books.

Kindness is my superhero -whole school

While we cant hug -whole school

The invisible string- whole school

Have you filled a bucket today- whole school

The busy fox-  A calming story about nature- Ks1

A children’s guild to coronavirus Here is a helpful guild/link to explaining coronavirus to children. 

Here is a great link for well being activities from BBC bite size 

BBC Bite size

Here is the PE Timetable for lockdown 2021.

EYFS: A pre-recorded session with Coach, uploaded to the school website on Thursday afternoons 

KS1: A pre-recorded session with Coach, on Wednesday afternoons uploaded to your Google Classrooms 

LSK2: A pre-recorded session with Coach, on Thursday afternoons uploaded to your Google Classrooms 


Live lessons with Coach David,

Snowy Owls: Tuesday 2:30pm 

Eagles: Tuesday 1:30pm 

Condors: Monday 1:30pm 

Here are his details for the live lessons: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 680 662 6832
Passcode: CoachD

Could have a go at some of these new PE challenges! 

Home PE Rolling

Penalties Home PE Standing Long Jump

Home PE Three in a Row

Home PE Wacky Races

Skipping Challenge

Step Ups Challenge

Super Slalom Run Challenge

Tap Up Tennis Challenge


The Daily Mile – be ready to make a fresh start in 2021!

After a well-earned break in December, let’s get ready to start 2021 with The Daily Mile – 15 minutes of jogging or running to help children with their physical and mental wellbeing. 

The Daily Mile – Back-to-school Bingo in 2021
Start the new year by wrapping up warm, heading outside and seeing if you can complete The Daily Mile Back-to-school Bingo. Click this link for your bingo card, or open the image below. Print one off for each child – how many different challenges can they complete before the February half-term?

 TDM Back To School Bingo

Get your free Back-to-school Bingo certificate 
When your children have completed their bingo cards, send an email to the and they will send  you a certificate for you to download so you can share with your children. 

I have been sent some very helpful links from Camden’s Mental Health Lead. Please look at the links below if you feel that you would like some information on how to support your child during Covid. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you would like any further support.

Videos for Parents:
1. How to Talk to you Child About Covid-19

2. Encouraging Your Child to Take Care at School

3. How to Deal with Anxieties

4. Communicating with School

Here are some great tips for helping your children to make sense of the changing situation that we find ourselves in. I have been in contact with Mental Health Leads throughout Camden who have come together to share and compile a list of tips and links that may be helpful to you and your child/children. I hope you find them helpful! ?

Below are some links that you may find useful when talking to your child:-

The first 3 offer different ways for you to talk to your child about what is happening and how they are feeling.

Understanding Coronavirus

Helping young minds

Talking to young people

As Catholics, prayer offers us a great deal of strength during difficult times. Prayer each day as a family can be enormously comforting. Sometimes a gentle meditation before prayer can help young children to focus their minds in readiness to talk to God.


This is a great link for helping families to focus on healthy habits.

Change for Life

I hope that you have found tips that you can use and we would encourage you to share any articles or links that you have found to be helpful at this time, just email :

We are in this together and at the Rosary we always like to ‘Share the Love’.

Take care and stay safe

Alice Miles

Mental Health and Well Being Lead

Physical activities promotes healthy growth and development. It helps build a healthier body composition, stronger bones and muscles. It also improves  your cardiovascular fitness. Physical activities help in the development of better motor skills and in concentration and thinking skills.

Children aged 6 and older need at least an hour a day of physical activity. These activities should be included at least three days a week.

Healthy body, Healthy mind, which is great for your well being.
Below are some links for all ages. ( the links are underlined ) 

These activities that can be played out in a small environment like your living room/ bedroom/garden and are for children and adults!

Don’t  forget to keep us posted by photo or comments on how your are getting on. And remember to have fun!

Having a daily routine is a great way to keep your brain focused. It helps to ensure that you get a little bit of everything you need each day to stay healthy and well inside and out!

Here is a great timetable that was sent out by Miss Stopes Robinson. You could use it as a template to make a timetable that works for you and helps you to structure your day. 

Balloon fun: there are endless games to play with a balloon just trying to keep them off the ground or have a go at balloon tennis, you don’t even need bats kitchen utensils are just as good or just your hand.

Popcorn pushups: Put a small bowl of popcorn on the floor. Lower yourself down and stick out your tongue to get a piece of popcorn with each thrust.

Hallway bowling: You can use water bottles( with or without water)  or the inner tubes of the toilet roll and any ball. This can be a great challenge for yourself or as a family activity.


Create Development’s real play at home supports families to play and learn together and includes 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges, of fun and activity for every family! 


Age range: KS1 & KS2 Premier League Primary Stars have created activities covering English, Maths, PE, Health and Wellbeing.


This Girl Can – Disney Workouts.


Age range: EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Movement mindfulness and relaxation videos.


Lovely daily exercise activities that can be done at home. The exercises also have other suggested activities linked to them.


Joe Wicks will be conducting daily PE lessons for children of primary age at 9am each day during the school closure. Age range: EYFS, KS1 and KS2


Curriculum-linked resources to get children moving while they learn. Sorted by age group.



8 comments on “Well-Being For Your Mind and Body.

  1. Anne Blayney says:

    Great time table. I hope all the pupils enjoy a mixture of exercise , learning and fun with all the family.

  2. Jacqueline Hayter says:

    I am loving this page. The yoga video is my favourite. The daily task schedule would be so helpful for everyone so get filling one out.

  3. COOL

  4. Miss Scott says:

    Can we please have a photo or video Mrs Hayter? X

  5. Mrs Wheatley says:

    I can’t wait to try the yoga. Have been doing J W workout and I am a little tight shall we say , so fingers crossed I shall attempt yoga tomorrow!
    Enjoy the day. Keep smiling , keep positive ???

  6. Miss Stewart says:

    I too have been doing the JW workout. I think I’m going to add some of the above links to my daily activities. Wish me luck!

  7. Isabella George says:

    I listened to Joe Wicks with my mum and sister! Joe Wicks is a person is couch and teaches us stretches and excise.

  8. Miss Miles says:

    I’ve really enjoyed learning the yoga. Even my children joined in, great fun!

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