Our brand new topic for this half term in Snowy Owls is: The Kingdom of God.

We have been pondering big questions, such as: Where is the Kingdom of God? Can everyone go to the Kingdom of God? What is the Kingdom of God like? We will answer these questions in the coming weeks as we continue to develop our knowledge and understanding of this important topic!

We learnt all about Kingdom Values this week (those values that are present in the parables that Jesus taught, such as the parable of the mustard seed) and how we could display these values in our lives everyday.

Our Kingdom Values are: Love, Peace, Truth, Faith, Hope, Forgiveness, Justice, Goodness, Courage and Freedom.

Today, we created some artwork to try and represent these Kingdom Values.




4 comments on “Learning about our Kingdom Values!

  1. I loved learning about the Kingdom Values!

  2. Mine was Hope!

  3. #kingdom values are THE BEST I LOVE THIS R.E LESSON YAY

  4. My drawing was the best I HAVE EVER DID oops caps well loved hope because I did it . . look ~

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