On Tuesday 19th January, the Eagles had an amazing day out at the Camden Learning Centre.

We spent our morning learning about vectors, manipulating shapes to create images on the computer. We started by creating an image of a classic house, followed by an owl and were then challenged to create a penguin image and alter the shapes to transform our penguins into parrots!

In the afternoon we focused on coding with Scratch, creating codes that would allow us to make intricate shapes by using repeated images. Some of us are definitely skilled coders and could have potential future careers in this area!

We had a fun and engaging day out and look forward to being able to go back again!

2 comments on “Eagles at the CLC!

  1. Hi 👋
    This was a GREAT day at the CLC!!!
    I hope you would or will have the same experience as me thank you
    Capucine Y5/6 Eagles

  2. Hi everyone
    I loved 🥰 the CLC ! It was so fun 🤩
    Thank you to all the teachers who helped
    From Lillie xx

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