Today we discussed Collective Worship at our school, reminding ourselves of its importance. We spoke about how these sessions can be pupil-led, teacher-led or form part of our assemblies. We discussed why we have Collective Worship every day and how it makes us feel. Collective Worship helps us to explore and express our belief. We can develop a common ethos and reflect on our shared values at Rosary. Through listening to the Word of God, Collective Worship helps us to be inspired by the life of Jesus. We prepared our pupil-led Collective Worship sessions for this half term in groups. We thought about the different parts of Collective Worship and how we wanted to lead Toucans Class in prayer:
• Gather:
How will we begin? How will we create an atmosphere of prayer?
• Word:
What will be the Scripture focus? How will we present it?
• Response:
What kind of response should we ask for?
• Mission:
What action will we take?
We are all very excited to lead our class in Collective Worship this half term!