King Eurystheus

King Eurystheus High Harmony

King Eurystheus Low Harmony


I am a busy-busy King always talking – always talking in a bossy way

I am always giving orders and walking – Wonder what he’s on about today.

People say I’ll tell you what to do.

And if you know what is good for you.

You’ll do exactly what I say or you’re “FOR-IT!”

And you better not forget my name EUR-ES-THE-US!


I’ve got a couple-of little things you can do for me – Better do it, Better do it for him!

Well, there’s twelve and they’re quite complicated actually – It’s the Fable of the Labours we think!

If you want to see your Mum again

I recommend that you play my game.

And do exactly what I say, take your cue from me.

Shall we see if you forget my name? EUR-ES-THE-US!