These songs are sung just by the Toucans

  • No Room at the Inn
  • Midnight

No Room at The Inn

1.No room at the Inn!

All reservations were made in the spring.

We’re full to the Brim

Sorry we can’t let you in


2.No Room at the inn!

We’re fully booked

and the party’s in full swing

Please, pardon the din!

Sorry, we can’t let you in.


Mary, Joseph, Tell me what you’re gonna do?

There is, no way you’ll be getting Bed and Breakfast for two!

3.No Room at the Inn!

I’d say your chances are probably slim

We’ve not got a thing

Sorry we cant let you in.

4.No Room at the Inn!

Just take a look at the state that you’re in!

Say, where have you been?

Sorry we can’t let you in.


Mary, Joseph, Tell me what you’re gonna do?

There is, no way you’ll be getting Bed and Breakfast for two!


5. No Room at the Inn!

Everyone’s saying the very same thing.

We’d take anything,

Somebody please let us in.


6. We’ve ROOM at the Inn!

It wouldn’t exactly be fit for a king

Here. give me your things!

Hope you don’t mind mucking in!!



Mid-night, there’s the strangest feeling in the air tonight,

There’s something going on but I can’t make it out,

I wonder what it’s all about?

Star light, breaking through the darkness in the dead of night,

Illuminates the path that takes you out of sight,

and all the way to Bethlehem.



Tonight’s events were planned in heaven, the greatest story ever penned. Heaven and earth have come together, and life has come to Bethlehem


Angels – taking care of things that only they can do,

Are waiting in the wings to bring the joyful news,

it’s going to turn the world around.

Strangers – having made arrangements for a night or two,

Have found accommodation in the crowded rooms;

the house in packed in Bethlehem.



Shepherds – minding their own business looking after things,

Are startled by an unexpected happening, as angel choirs appear to them. Wise men – taking charts and telescopes and compasses, Investigate the star that takes them travelling, until they come to Bethlehem.

CHORUS X2… and life has come to Bethlehem