Here at Rosary we believe in supporting teachers in any way possible with their workload and acknowledge the need for flexibility and consideration of individual needs.
At Rosary, we regularly review teacher workload in order to ensure that it is reasonable. We do this as a part of our general monitoring programme, discussion with staff and through staff voice surveys.
Here are some of the things that we do in our school in order to help staff to manage their workload well…
- After school clubs are predominantly run by external providers.
- Teaching assistants receive regular training e.g. phonics/supported reading and maths intervention so that they are better able to support teachers with teaching, assessment and planning. TAs have planning time allocated to ensure they are prepared for their supported reading sessions.
- Planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time is available to teachers in a ‘block’ of time where possible.
- Where possible, teachers have PPA with their phase to encourage collaborative planning and support workload.
- Subject Leaders are given weekly release time to focus on their additional responsibilities.
- INSET time is allocated for phase planning, data input and report writing termly.
- We always aim to ensure that meetings are punctual, have a specific objective and time is managed efficiently.
- Details of the termly calendar are shared in advance where possible to enable staff to plan their time efficiently.
- Report formats for parent meetings have been revised to ensure they are purposeful and time efficientl.
- SLT and SMT are always on hand to discuss with individuals their workload and support in any way possible.