To celebrate Black History Month during October, we used art to explore the artist Frank Bowling.
Sir Richard Sheridan Franklin Bowling OBE RA, known as Frank Bowling, is a Guyana-born British artist. His paintings relate to Abstract expressionism, Color Field painting, and Lyrical Abstraction.
We were inspired by his use of colour to create our own paintings! We created layer after layer and hid ideas and objects in our paintings, just like Frank Bowling does. We did 2 layers of drawings using pencils, felt tips or crayons, follow by 2 layers of paint including objects like stickers and sequins in our work. We used paint brushes, sponges, forks, cotton buds and even our hands to create our wonderful paintings!
Take a look at the stages our our art and if you want to find out more about Frank Bowling, visit this page
We then created a gallery of our work in our classroom to share with our adults for our Stay and Read session!