We wore yellow today and discussed the importance of our Marie Curie nurses. We learned about how they help other people and are a really important part of our society as they are so caring and loving.

We said a special prayer for these nurses at the beginning of the day and we discussed  Marie Curie herself. We know that she was such an important, influential woman and helped with her amazing discoveries. We made daffodils to celebrate both Marie Curie and the fantastic nurses.


8 comments on “Daffodil Day

  1. abi year 3 says:

    i hope you enjoyed your day

  2. That looks great.

  3. Charlotte says:

    I loved daffodil day it was so much fun. I enjoyed making the daffodil out of tissue paper.??????

  4. I liked world book day. It was fun I dressed up as a unicorn.

  5. My sister is Charlotte K. You all made FABULOUS sunflowers

  6. sonnymacaws says:

    Daffodil day was so much fun!!!

  7. I had fun

  8. I think William might’ve had alot of fun!!!

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