Today we learnt about poetry! We know that poetry is a style of reading and writing and can be written by anybody! It is a way to express thoughts and feelings in a creative way. We spoke about some of the features of poetry, including stanzas, rhyme, alliteration and rhythm. Then we watched a video from Joseph Coelho who spoke about ways to perform poetry! After that, we focused on Kennings! Each line in a Kenning poem has only two words, joined using a hyphen. The two words are usually a noun and a verb, or two nouns. Kennings are like riddles – you need to work out what they are describing! All three classes had a Kenning each to practise! We performed each poem as a class! We came up with actions to help us remember the rhythm and words! Can you guess which animal our poem is about before the end when we reveal the answer?! You can watch the video at the link below!