Having fun programming lego!

Today the Pelicans went to the CLC to learn how to use a robotics tool called Lego WeDo.

This enabled us to make a propeller:


Which we then used to make two birds roatate around in different directions.


We did this by following steps to make our structure and then writing a program on the computer to move the pieces of lego go around. Sometimes things did not always work the first time so we had to do some debugging!

lyla prop

We also made an alligator and included a motion sensor in our design so his jaw snapped when you placed an object in his mouth!

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Some of us even made an aeroplane!


A good time was had by all and we look forward to going back to the CLC again soon. DSCN0696 DSCN0695 DSCN0694 DSCN0693 DSCN0691