We are reading ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers. It is all about our wonderful world.

We have loved reading the story as a class.

Today, we started to look at poetry. We watched a wonderful video by John Hegley all about what a poem is NOT!
Click here to watch it!

We talk so much about what makes a good poem, so today we decided to write about what a poem is not! We had SO much fun!

Miss Duncan wrote the first three lines, then we completed a shared write together and wrote the next three lines together.

We then all continued our poem individually, going through the alphabet! Miss Duncan was BLOWN AWAY by some of our wonderful ideas!

For example, some of us said: 

” A poem is not a doctor, but it can heal you.”

“A poem is not a goat, but it can charge at you!”

“A poem is not an apple, but it can be juicy!”

Watch some of the wonderful Pelicans read their poems below. Be prepared to be wowed!

Click here to watch M’s poem!

Click here to watch G’s poem!

Click here to watch H’s poem!

Can you think of any other ideas of what a poem is NOT? Leave any suggestions in the comments!

17 comments on “Poems in Pelicans!

  1. I really loved making the poems, we had a lot of fun in the classroom. Some ideas were really silly.

  2. Hi everyone,
    How’s it going
    I’ve just seen the videos they awesome very cool videos H, G and M
    From Lillie

  3. I have just watched all of the videos and i love them! They were all amazing and i loved all of their poems! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!.
    From Alexia. xxxx

  4. What lovely, supportive comments! I love the videos too- all of your poems were wonderful. I have a very talented class!
    Have a lovely weekend everyone!

  5. Omg I loved doing my poem, it was so fun writing about the sun!!

  6. Hi everyone
    I loved the poems
    this activity was so fun
    Well done to H’s,G’s and M’s.
    You all were so confident and your poems were sooo LOVELY
    anyways bye
    From Lauryn

  7. Pelicans I am so proud of your poems and hard work in literacy lessons. You clearly loved writing your poems and came up with exceptional ideas. Well done and keep your hard work up ??

  8. Hi guys! I really loved M’s, G’s and H’s poems. Have a great weekend everyone!
    Jacob M

  9. Miss Stewart says:

    I read some fantastic poems. It’s been a great start to a new year.
    I can’t wait to see what’s in store from you all this term. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

  10. Anna McGrory says:

    I just LOVE these poems! What a wonderful start to the year Pelicans! Well done!

  11. Thank you ☺️ Miss Mc – Grory

  12. I had a really fun time creating all of our poems.

  13. It was amazing I love learning and school

  14. I had fun too!

  15. Nice ???

  16. I have just read all the poems and they were magnificent and great job to H and G.
    Can’t wait to see all of you on Monday. I’m already missing all of you

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