We have had a fantastic Science Week! We have learned all about the importance of recycling and the 3 Rs: Recycling, Reuse and Reduce. We created pollution catchers in our classrooms and put some of them in our own playground. We now know the cause of climate change and how important it is that we try to recycle for the planet. We used plastic to create our own objects (including rockets and unicorns) and dressed up creatively using rubbish and plastic from our homes on Friday. There were some fantastic outfits and such an amazing effort! Well done!

It has been a very informative and creative week. Thank you Miss Marsden for organising it.


3 comments on “Science Week!

  1. I like making my red thing

  2. Anna McGrory says:

    Well done Macaws! I am going to always try and keep to the 3 Rs – Recycling, Reuse and Reduce – in everything I do!

  3. William your comment was very funny and I liked making my costume

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