Last Thursday it was the London Assembly Election, in June it is the EU referendum and here at Rosary we are about to start our own election fever! We are giving you the chance to vote for your favourite school tie which will become part of our uniform in September.

Here are the three choices.

The Double Stripe


The Bold Stripe


The Skinny Stripe



Voting will take place next week through a secret ballot (just like a real election) and the results will be announced once they have been counted and verified by an official adjudicator.

You will meet representatives from each Tie Party at assembly on Friday who will put forward their arguments for each tie. If you would like your say, you can comment on here…


73 comments on “Have your say! Voting takes place on 19th May!

  1. emily.mcdermott says:

    My preference is the first tie, The Double Stripe.
    Oliver H

  2. Isabelle says:

    Thanks for voting double stripe!

  3. Mr Burke says:

    I’m with Oliver H on this. Definitely the double stripe. Classy.

  4. Kathleen says:

    I like the bold stripe!

  5. sarah.liddell says:

    The bold stripe is definitely the best. I love the BOLD contrast between the colours!

  6. The skinny stripe

  7. Oliver S says:

    I’m also with Oliver H and Mr Burke; I really like the Double-Stripe tie. It’s different to the old tie but still has that original look. It is certainly the best new look for our school tie.


  8. Isabelle says:

    Thanks for voting double stripe!

  9. I like the second one because it is nice and bold.

  10. I like the skinny stripe because it looks neater.

  11. Ahmad h y5/6 says:

    No I go with the bold stripe
    It looks the neatest

  12. Ahmad h y5/6 says:

    I go with the bold stripe it looks so presentable to our school

  13. I like the bold stripe because it looks really cool

  14. Daniel m says:

    I vote for the double stripe.

  15. suzie.harris says:

    My favourite is the Double Stripe -two stripes are better than one!

  16. Isabelle says:

    I cant wait to find out which of the ties will win.

  17. I’m voting for the Double Stripe. It is a whole new, cool and different Rosary look. I agree with Mrs. Harris, two are better than one! We won’t be recognised as plain stripes anymore- we’ll be classy double stripe!

    I think we should have DOUBLE STRIPE!!!!!!!!!!

    (Like many other people have voted for)

  18. Isabelle says:

    The double stripes got my vote. Everything is better when its x2 and the double stripe makes our tie more interesting,cool and even neat- look at other peoples comments to see their choice. ( compared to other school ties this one is definitely best!)

  19. Marc'james says:

    I like the double strip tie the best, it will look nice with our jumpers and the design is cool, I’m voting for the double strip ???

  20. I am torn!! At the moment, I am favouring the Skinny Stripe as I think this looks simple and classy!

  21. I love the double stripe!!!!! I agree with Julia, Mrs Harris 2 is better than one. Our school will look cool!!!!!!!!! ?

  22. Alejandra says:

    I like the double stripe tie because it looks very nice with our white shirt. ?????
    I am voting for double stripe !!??????

  23. isobel Gaffney says:

    I love, love, love the big, bold stripe. BIG and BOLD is Beautiful!!!!

  24. Christabella says:

    I like the double strike as I think it’s classy and looks more unique than the bold but the skinny is also very good.

  25. I thought that you would vote for the bold stripe.

  26. Jen Beswick says:

    I agree! The bold stripe is my favourite it says look at us we are big, bold and ready for the day!

  27. says:

    The bold stripe definitely gets my vote! Very smart and shows off more of that lovely blue. What do you think Kingfishers?
    Miss Smart

  28. Claire (Ollie in Yr 1 Mum) says:

    I like the double stripe, very smart indeed. Less is more 🙂

  29. Double, it has to be double because it will do the job?

  30. I like the bold stripe because it’s unique and different from the old tie. The double stripe and the skinny stripe look too much like our old tie but in blue and black.


  31. I vote BOLD STRIPE. It’s so classy and says, “I’m ready to learn”so I vote bold.

  32. Lilly-Ann says:

    I like the skinny stripe the best out of the three.

  33. I vote for the bold stripe because it is really posh and nice.I hope that the marvellous bold stripe wins.????

  34. Victoria1/2 says:

    I highly want the bold stripe for big bold business.??✌???

  35. Harry Wise says:

    I would like the double stripy tie because it is cool and nice.

  36. Paula Webb says:

    Double stripe gets my vote ?

  37. I vote the bold stripe because it is a nice light blue colour

  38. The BOLD stripe is my favourite, it looks very smart. Looking forward to see what tie wins the vote ?

  39. I love the skinny one because it’s the best tie ever

  40. double stripe for glory:)

  41. I love the skinny one because it’s the best

  42. I also vote for the bold stripe because I really like big and bold buissness.I love the bold tie because you can see it shining in a the spot light and every body can see what a wonderful school we are.The bold stripe is obviously going to win.The bold stripe isn’t just for bold buisness it is for big beautiful bold business.I think Daivid Cameron will like the bold stripe tie.I think that the bold tie is so going to win is because I think the king will like the bold stripe tie.I am so looking forward to this I hope the bold stripe wins!?

  43. The double stripe is definitely the best out of the three. It is stylish, like the bold stripe, and classy, like the skinny stripe. Don’t you think that the bold stripe stands out a bit too much? The skinny stripe, well, we already have that, just in a different colour, so it’s not going to make much of a difference. So I say we should vote for the double stripe and, as many have said, two is way better than one. So VOTE DOUBLE STRIPE!!!!!!!!

  44. All those who are voting for skinny stripe, rethink your choice. We already have a tie like that and to be honest, it is a bit simple and plain. Just something to think about!

  45. I like the double stripe because it is cool ?

  46. I have noticed that many prefer the bold stripe. The stripes are TOO BIG. It swells over the outline and ruins the contrast. You can barely see the dark black compliment the shiny, glittery blue. All you get is blue, blue, blue. NO CONTRAST!!!!!!!! Anyway, again, its just a thing to think about.

  47. I prefer the skinnny sripe

  48. I Vote for the bold tie because the skinny stripe is like our one now but just in a different colour

  49. I like the BOLD tie??

    because it looks smart??

  50. I like the bold stripe because it’s different to the old one.

  51. Double stripe gets my vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s going to win.
    It’s a pity there is no triple stripe tie. Would be more fun.


  53. sophie.kennedy says:

    Bold stripe gets my vote 🙂

  54. Geraldine (Emilie's mum) says:

    I like the skinny stripe : )

  55. i love the double stripe??

  56. Big and Bold gets my vote!!

  57. Mathilde & Louis says:

    DON’T vote for BOLD…
    It’s too similar to the ties worn by pupils from St Dominic’s Catholic Primary School and the Devonshire House Prep School, both nearby!
    DON’T vote for DOUBLE…
    It’s the same as the Northbridge House School’s tie up the road…
    We want to be unique!
    SKINNY is The Rosary Tie!! It’s classy and smart!

  58. Mathilde & Louis says:

    DON’T vote for BOLD…
    It’s too similar to the ties worn by pupils from St Dominic’s Catholic Primary School and the Devonshire House Prep School, both nearby!
    DON’T vote for DOUBLE…
    It’s the same as the Northbridge House School’s tie up the road…
    We want to be unique!
    SKINNY is The Rosary Tie!! It’s classy and smart!

  59. I vote for the double stripe?

  60. I vote BOLE STRIP. It screams pick me it’s very classy as well. ??

  61. Mrs. Moon says:

    I vote for the Bold. It stands out well, far or near, at anytime of the day. It makes a strong statement. It means business!

  62. Mrs. Moon says:

    Bold for me please. It’s neat, clean stripes stand out clear and strong, far or near, at anytime of the day.

  63. Harrison says:

    I like the Double Stripe best (but my dad likes the Bold Stripe!)

  64. Isabelle says:

    Thanks for voting double stripe!

  65. Ryan year1/2 says:

    I like the skinny one best.

  66. I love the double strip because everything is better 2x . But all of them are really nice

  67. Isabelle says:

    St.dominics and Devonshire house prep have a bold stripe which makes us choosing bold boring! The double stripe is a tie no other schools have.

  68. I don’t know which tie to vote for someone help me out !

  69. Double Stripe!!


  71. Malachi (Yr 5/6) says:

    I vote for the Double stripe. The Double Stripe Rocks. The Bold Stripe looks the same as St. Dominic’s tie, and were the Rosary. And the Skinny tie doesn’t look as good as the Double stripe.?

  72. I don’t know what to vote for help me choose!

  73. I vote for the double stripe????

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