Celebrating our final term of Nursery sure has been sweet! Summer 2 Topic is Seaside and I think we can all agree that the best treat to get at the beach is ice cream! So we decided to set up our very own ice cream parlour in the Nursery where we are serving and scooping from 9:00am-3:30pm everyday – closed for lunch of course!

From stamping pastel painted sponges and sprinkling paper sprinkles in Art to snipping and sticking our own flavor creations at the Junk Modelling Table! We love expressing ourselves through Art, especially the topic of ice cream as we have lots of experience to draw from!

Our favorite activity of the week involved teamwork! We had an ice cream relay race in the Nursery outdoor area! We had to balance our ice cream while running through pylons, jumping in hoops and passing it on to the next peer.

You may have noticed us singing ‘I’m ice cream crazy!’ Miss Owen can share the link with you if you would like to sing along at home!


What is your favourite ice cream flavour? We would love to hear all about it!

For the love of learning,

Nursery Chicks

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