Our aim is that our children gain an appreciation, love and understanding of music during their time at primary school. We truly believe that music is inclusive irrespective of abilities and makes an important contribution to the life of every school. Music is an important expression of creativity and culture and should be celebrated, promoted and encouraged at every opportunity. It helps build pupils’ self-esteem; encourages self-discipline; leads to higher standards across the curriculum and helps bind pupils into the wider life of the school.

Children are taught music in weekly lessons right from Nursery through to Year 6. We ensure that all pupils gain a secure grounding in musical technique from the Early Years through singing and playing tuned and un-tuned instruments across EYFS and KS1. The Juniors gain familiarity with more complex instruments which they can later build on and, in addition to instrumental and vocal work, children explore technology as a means of creating music.

As with PE, specialist teaching in music enables us to utilise expertise to raise the quality of learning in this subject. Our music teacher Jess leads whole school singing, choirs and creative music lessons for every class, from Nursery to Year 6. Music is at the heart of many school performances – from class assemblies to whole school masses, concerts and shows – and we take every opportunity to share our love of music with our local community through singing in care homes to performances at the Summer Fair.

Our school’s musicality is also well supported by peripatetic teachers across a range of instruments including guitar, piano and recorder. We are very proud to be part of the Wider Opportunities Project for Camden which gives all primary children the chance to play an instrument regardless of background or aptitude. All children in Y4 have weekly recorder lessons with a specialist teacher and these skills are built upon in Y5 and Y6 with all children progressing to ukulele. Children learn musical notation, composition and musical appreciation.



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