The school motto is “Building God’s Family of Loving and Learning.” Through prayer and worship pupils are inspired to set their sights high and strive for excellence in every element of their school life. As they move around the school pupils are constantly reminded, through displays, assemblies of their responsibilities to care for, respect each other and shine out.
We pray every day together in a variety of ways. There are formal prayers during the day when pupils come together as a class. Daily collective worship in carried out across the school and time is put aside for reflection.
The school holds regular assemblies when pupils are encouraged to pray, reflect, explore bible stories and look how we can carry out the word of God in our daily lives.
Throughout the school year the school visits St Dominics, the parish church, on many occasions. Our local priest, Father Andrew provides all the classes with topic talks at the start of each half term to introduce the new RE topic. We attend Mass, Stations of the Cross, Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion and we worship in song at Christmas.
Parents are invited to all school Masses and prayer services to join us in worshipping with staff and pupils.