
We are delighted to have re- launched our new House Teams at the Rosary this half term. Our House Teams are all named after Saints.
Over the half term break, we had an opportunity to research our Saint. There was some amazing research carried out and fabulous presentation of it!
Our new House Teams are:
St Christopher
St Catherine of Siena
St Francis of Assisi
St Bernadette
St Teresa of Avila
St Anthony of Padua

Which House Team do you belong to?
What information did you find out about your Saint?

st anthony IMG_1529
st francis



st chris



21 comments on “New House Teams at the Rosary

  1. Giovanni .L says:

    Wow the pictures look so cool

  2. My Saint is st Francis of Assisi. I found out he is the patron saint of ecologists because of his love for animals and nature.

  3. I am in St Francis and I found out that originally he wanted fame and glory so at the age of 18 he went to war but was captured till his father payed the ransom.

  4. Yay!! For St Francis of Assisi! That’s my house team!??

  5. I’m Saint Anthony of Padua

  6. I’m in St. Christopher !!!?

  7. The pictures are really detailed. I am Saint Catharine of Siena.

  8. I love the names of our new saints!!!

  9. I belong to St Christopher and I think the pictures are a nice addition to the small hall.

  10. I’m in at Anthony of Padua we all look so smart.

  11. This is so cool!!!!!!it looks really good as there is so much detail in the drawings!!!

  12. My saint now is saint Teresa.

  13. It’s fantastic that we can change our house teams name!

  14. My saint is st Cathrine of sienna I really enjoyed learning about her there was some really interesting facts I even shared some facts in assembly.

  15. My saint is st Christopher. He carried people through the dangerous river.

  16. I’m in st Bernadette.??

  17. I like saint Francis of Assisi.??

  18. My favorite saint is saint Bernadette because she was one of three to see mary.

  19. I’m Saint Christopher ??

  20. Maxima Eagles says:

    I’m in Saint Christopher. He wanted to served the greatest being so he became the King’s servant, but when he found that the King feared the Devil, he decided to serve the Devil. However, he found out that the Devil feared God, so he began to serve the Lord by helping people cross the deep, dangerous river. A young child came to him one day and asked to be taken across. The child became heavier and the water level was rising rapidly. Christopher scolded the child for asking to cross at such a dangerous time when the mighty tide became life-threatening. The child claimed to be Jesus and vanished. Christopher continued to serve the Lord, but another King became angry and tried to turn Christopher and his thousands of followers into Christianity. This failed, and after many attempts to execute Christopher, Christopher was killed a martyr.

  21. St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelling, transportation, holy death, toothache and epilepsy.

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